Darmody Bore SA

Survey Point Darmody Bore SA
Latitude -27.6211100 (27° 37′ 16″ S)
Longitude 140.6858300 (140° 41′ 9″ E)

Just off the Cordillo Downs Rd about 15km north of Innaminka, the bore usually has water, a nearby creek bed has a good strip of woodland along the watercourse, otherwise it’s very sparse country.

Camp rating 7 there is no established campsite here, if camping camp well away from the bore.

Surveys done 2


Western NSW, Western Qld, Grasswren surveys, Cape Melville Track, Cairns 2009

Calder Hwy, Sunset NP, Silver City Hwy, Sturt NP, Strzelecki track, Danggali, Ngarkat, Coorong 2013/14

  • Crested Pigeon
    Ocyphaps lophotes
    2 (100.00%)
  • Diamond Dove
    Geopelia cuneata
    1 (50.00%)
  • Galah
    Eolophus roseicapilla
    1 (50.00%)
  • Mulga Parrot
    Psephotellus varius
    1 (50.00%)
  • Bourke’s Parrot
    Neopsephotus bourkii
    1 (50.00%)
  • Variegated Fairy-wren
    Malurus lamberti
    1 (50.00%)
  • Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
    Acanthagenys rufogularis
    1 (50.00%)
  • Singing Honeyeater
    Gavicalis virescens
    1 (50.00%)
  • White-plumed Honeyeater
    Ptilotula penicillata
    1 (50.00%)
  • Yellow-throated Miner
    Manorina flavigula
    1 (50.00%)
  • Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
    Acanthiza uropygialis
    1 (50.00%)
  • Rufous Whistler
    Pachycephala rufiventris
    1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Magpie
    Gymnorhina tibicen
    1 (50.00%)
  • Grey Butcherbird
    Cracticus torquatus
    1 (50.00%)
  • Willie Wagtail
    Rhipidura leucophrys
    1 (50.00%)
  • Red-capped Robin
    Petroica goodenovii
    1 (50.00%)
  • Zebra Finch
    Taeniopygia guttata
    1 (50.00%)