Stingray Head NT

Survey Point Stingray Head NT
Latitude-12.7977778 (12° 47′ 52″ S)
Longitude130.3530556 (130° 21′ 11″ E)

It’s possible to drive along the beach from Dundee Beach settlement, but please don’t, as it is a destructive practice. As you come into the settlement from the east Zuleika Rd heads south. At the end it enters private property, turn left after the fence and it loops around to join the old track, turn right at the end this track heads to the head. 4wd may be needed. The head is exposed and quite rocky, there are some patches of scrub inland, the best being to the north where there is a creek. There are no facilities.

Camp rating 10 this is not an established campsite, there are no facilities, there are some flat spots right on the cliff edge. There is no shade.

Surveys done 2


SA coast, Stuart Hwy, Central Australia, East Kimberley, Darwin region, Kakadu NP, Barkly Hwy, inland NE Qld 2017

Keep River NP Kakadu NP Darwin region 2021

  • Radjah Shelduck Radjah radjah 1 (50.00%)
  • Orange-footed Scrubfowl Megapodius reinwardt 1 (50.00%)
  • Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 1 (50.00%)
  • Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius 1 (50.00%)
  • Beach Stone-curlew Esacus magnirostris 1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 1 (50.00%)
  • Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 1 (50.00%)
  • Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 1 (50.00%)
  • Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 2 (100.00%)
  • Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 2 (100.00%)
  • Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 1 (50.00%)
  • Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 1 (50.00%)
  • Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 1 (50.00%)
  • Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 2 (100.00%)
  • Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1 (50.00%)
  • Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 1 (50.00%)
  • Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 (50.00%)
  • Silver Gull Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 1 (50.00%)
  • Little Tern Sternula albifrons 1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon macrotarsa 2 (100.00%)
  • Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 2 (100.00%)
  • Common Tern Sterna hirundo 1 (50.00%)
  • Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii 2 (100.00%)
  • Striated Heron Butorides striata 1 (50.00%)
  • White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 1 (50.00%)
  • Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra 2 (100.00%)
  • White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 1 (50.00%)
  • Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 2 (100.00%)
  • Barking Owl Ninox connivens 1 (50.00%)
  • Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 1 (50.00%)
  • Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 1 (50.00%)
  • Red-collared Lorikeet Trichoglossus rubritorquis 1 (50.00%)
  • Red-backed Fairy-wren Malurus melanocephalus 1 (50.00%)
  • Silver-crowned Friarbird Philemon argenticeps 1 (50.00%)
  • Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 1 (50.00%)
  • Rufous-banded Honeyeater Conopophila albogularis 1 (50.00%)
  • White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis 1 (50.00%)
  • Torresian Crow Corvus orru 1 (50.00%)
  • Shining Flycatcher Myiagra alecto 1 (50.00%)
  • Restless Flycatcher Myiagra inquieta 2 (100.00%)
  • Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis 1 (50.00%)
Stingray Head 2017
Mud Skipper
Common Sandpiper